Healing Series

5. Spirits & Healing

5. Spirits & Healing

In this module, the first in the Healing Series, we review what you’ve learn so far, and show you how to create a framework that becomes your guide to achieving a powerful healing practice.

Effective shamanic practice is based on the knowledge of the spirit realm, and how to access them. It’s about understanding how to interpret the sacred nature of your existence, and build a meaningful personal relationship with your helping spirits. Details Calendar Registration

6. Shamanic Extraction

6. Shamanic Extraction

Have you noticed how life can sometimes prevent us from getting the things we want? There always seems to be something getting in the way, but it’s not always obvious. Perhaps we’re just unknowingly sabotaging ourselves?

Which leads to the question: How do we change a feeling you can’t see, or touch? If this thought has crossed your mind, the time is right to explore extraction healing. Details Calendar Registration

7. Shamanic Psychopomp

7. Shamanic Psychopomp

How we came to be here is a mystery, and how we move on from here is also a mystery. It’s often shrouded in solemnity, and loss, when it could be all embracing, and moving towards the light in celebration.

Shamanism is concerned with the soul, with healing during life, and assisting the soul’s passage from the Middle World after we decease. Psychopomp is about guiding the soul.

As we build power and understanding through our deepening practices, Psychopomp becomes a very important part of your Shamanism practice. Details Calendar Registration

8. Soul Retrieval

8. Soul Retrieval

Too many of us are faced with distressing experiences during the course of our lives. The death of a family member, a friend, or a pet, divorce, an injury, a serious illness, the list goes on.

All of this has an impact on us emotionally, and spiritually. You feel numb, at a lost, unmotivated, in shock, as if your energy has drained away.

Our memories too, can sometimes create thoughts that are holding us back, and preventing us from moving forward and embracing the new. Details Calendar Registration

9. Core Shamanism Healing Practice

9. Core Shamanism Healing Practice

The first part of this module is a review and practice of the primary practices: extraction healing, power animal retrieval, psychopomp work, and power soul retrieval.

We will also cover the parameters of a shamanic healing session, as well as important ethical considerations. During the second part students will have an opportunity to offer a complete shamanic healing session with another student. Details Calendar Registration

10. Inspired Shamanic Practice

10. Inspired Shamanic Practice

This module is for those wishing to use their knowledge to start a shamanic practice, or for seasoned healers wanting to deepen their knowledge.

It covers, the need for an ethical practice, legal considerations, how to describe your service, speaking with clients, creating a healing space, and other protocols.

This module is built around group discussion, interactive exercises, journeying, and connecting with your helping spirits for guidance on various aspects of your healing practice. Details Calendar Registration