How To Make Your Own Sacred Rattle

I’ve been asked many times where I get my rattles, and I usually respond with, “I make them.” To which many have said, I’d like to learn how to do that.

The sound of a rattle is a powerful tool that can be uplifting, calming, healing, and musically inspiring.

When we think of a rattle perhaps we imagine a child being calmed and soothed by its gentle sound.

In fact, rattles were given to babies as far back as 2500 years ago to protect them from disturbing spirits

It has been used around the world by many indigenous cultures for thousands of years. It was used as a connection to the spiritual world, as well as a musical instrument. Ancient rattles have even been found in Pompeii and in Egypt.

Shamans for millennia have used the rattle to journey into non-ordinary states of consciousness for divination, healing and protection.

The sound of the rattle is called ‘its voice’. It’s a potent and beautiful sound.

The rattles we create are used in ceremony, for healing, and to deepen our connections with our helping spirits.

Our Sacred Rattle workshop have always been a great success, and the creations have been unique and powerful.

It is a gift to work with the helping spirits, and observe how they have guided each of the creations.

How mysterious the creative spirit is…defining our personal creativity, and awakening our self-expression.

This work fills my soul with a purpose and a passion to connect in deeper and more powerful ways with our helping spirits, and the world around us.

Creating sacred space to gather…supporting, and encouraging each other is what this work is all about. I hope you will join us for future rattle-making workshops, and experience this empowering process.

(I am planning an online version of the Rattle Making in-person workshop in the coming months…I’ll be sure to let you know when it is likely to be.)