The Beauty of You...


One of the things I love about Fall is gathering around a hearth fire with friends, create beautiful meals, share stories, playing music, singing and dancing.

Well, I just had the opportunity to share that experience with forty women this past weekend at the Wise Woman Retreat, and it was transforming.

Something happens when we gather together that is freeing, and joyous. We experience our time together as women in a very special way.

I’ve noticed this over and over again in other similar workshops I’ve attended over the years, and its also happens in many of workshops I have had the privilege to lead.

Having filled our hearts with laughter, and the magic of a moon lit walk in the cool night air, we returned to have hot chocolate around the camp fire, where we share stories of our busy, and challenging lives well into the night.

It’s clear that many of us are juggling far too much in our modern lives; family, careers, children, finances, fulfillment, personal growth, not to mention our hopes, and dreams…the responsibilities are sometimes overwhelming.

For many of the women, this weekend was the first time they’d left young children at home with the other parent, or grandparents, and letting go of the guilt in doing so was hard for many.

So the richness of these experiences is even more precious, because of the sacrifices that each of us had to be make to experience this long awaited togetherness, so we could returned to our loved ones with renewed energy.

This weekend was a reminder of how many people are seeking to restore their personal power, and feel comfortable standing in their truth, and speaking it.

There are so many ways we can heal, and experience the beauty within us. It’s like watching a garden burst into flower, and revealing their hidden beauty.

My wish for you as the winter unfolds, is you will take the time to reflect, to dream, and plant new seeds of possibilities…that you find ways to release what no longer serves you, and create space for what makes your heart sing.

The shamans journey is that journey, working with the rhythms of nature, seeking to find balance in the world, connecting into the oneness of all that is.

We are here to assist in restoring balance and healing to the planet and all that live upon it in any way we can, no matter how small that is. It is better to be part of the solution, than part of the problem.

The work we do is a beautiful gift, and a journey I’m blessed to share with others.

Perhaps one day it will call to you, as it did for me, so we can dance along this beautiful path together.

Until then, look up at the moon, marvel at the the presence of the stars and what they represent at this time of the year. Then listen to the soft crunching of snow beneath your feet, as it speaks to us along the winding path.