Spiritual Heath


Wellness is often discussed in terms of physical, and mental health.

But there’s another element just as important, and that’s spiritual health.

It’s that inner knowing that whatever we believe is possible.

However, some of us struggle with it because it’s not a physical thing…it’s a feeling, a longing, like self-confidence, and inner resolve.

People need belief, but how do we embrace it when it’s not something we can see and touch?

So, the question remains: “How can we experience the fullness of wellbeing without spiritual health?”

We are more than flesh and blood with a brain, and medical data. 

Instead, think of yourself as a bridge between the spiritual, and the physical.

Because, without spiritual health, without faith, or hope, we have no sense of direction, or feelings of satisfaction.

Collectively, the balance between the physical, the mental, and spiritual helps us build confidence in all that motivates us, that feeling when we know something is right.

It’s difficult to step into your power without some form of spirituality supporting us. It’s intrinsic to everything we do. It’s the glue that holds us together emotionally.

The purist form of it I’ve discovered, derives from early civilization, tens of thousands of years ago, and its call shamanism, after the original tribal medicine man they called a shaman.

He was the keeper of all knowledge, all things of the natural world that enabled the tribe to survive; to hunt and gather, where and when.

The good news is, that knowledge is available to all of us today.

The way of the shaman, is a 21st Century interpretation of a spiritual philosophy that can give you the confidence to be all of who you are.

Think of it as a kind of mythical story, a spiritual journey you define, and explore within you.